Saturday December 14th, 2024
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Five Short Films from Five Arab Nations: 'Chronicles of Her’ Spotlights the Plight of Arab Women

Women’s issues in the Arab world are discussed in RFC’s new anthology film which combines five short films from five different countries.

CairoScene Team

Five Short Films from Five Arab Nations: 'Chronicles of Her’ Spotlights the Plight of Arab Women

Five short films from five Arab countries are marrying into one - and its the finest form of polygamy we have seen to date. Called ‘Chronicles of Her’, this Pan-Arab feature-length film combines shorts from Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia, and Morocco, each of which discuss various women’s issues across the Arab world, among them domestic violence and  equal access to education.

‘Chronicles of Her’ (or ‘Aflamhon’ in Arabic) has been produced by The Royal Film Commission of Jordan (RFC) as a part of their capacity building programme ‘Anthology Film: Women in the Maghreb-Mashreq Region’. But the commission isn’t the sole parent of the project, with UNESCO and the European Union also collaborating on a unique project that called for filmmakers to step forward and tell the story of women in the Middle East through film.

December 10th has been marked for an online premiere of the film, where it will be screened has yet to be announced. Stay updated through @filmjordan.


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