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Shreet Cocktail | May 15 - 30

This edition highlights works by Zeid Hamdan, Lana Lubany and Adonis.

Scene Noise

Shreet Cocktail | May 15 - 30

This edition of SceneNoise’s Shreet Cocktail playlist highlights some of our favourite releases from the MENA region, spanning various genres from indie to folk and electronic. The playlist features tracks by some of the region's most prominent musicians, including Zeid Hamdan and Maii Waleed, Adonis, and Lana Lubany.

Zeid Hamdan is the playlist's biggest contributor, with two tracks from two different acts: Zeid and Maii, and Bedouin Burger. Known for his prolific work with various acts and solo projects, Zeid recently released his latest full-length LP under the moniker Bedouin Burger, featuring Lynn Adib, as well as a single with Maii Waleed titled ‘Louloua’.

Next is Palestinian pop sensation Lana Lubany with her latest single ‘Another Year’, which further solidifies her rise to prominence in the Arabic pop scene. The track showcases Lana’s distinct style, delivering catchy hooks and a laid-back vocal performance against predominantly electronic production.

The latest track by Nemahsis, an alt-rock-inspired production, serves as a backdrop for Nemahsis’ powerful vocal performance. Through poetic lyrics, she sheds light on the situation in Palestine.


Adonis x Maritta - Hafdal Aghanni

Maii Waleed x Zeid Hamdan - Louloua

Manal Benchlikha - Mahboula

Nemahsis - Stick of Gum

Lana Lubany - Another Year

Danny Malak - I Don't Mind

Selin Sümbültepe - Derbest

Youssef Alimam - It's Everywhere

Bedouin Burger,- Esha ft. Bu Nasser Touffar

Fayrouz Karawya x Molotof - Nouh Al Hamam

Ilaria - REWIND

Marcelina - Manni Elak

Aikk - O's Chords


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