Saturday July 27th, 2024
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Sara Hegy Ahmed Awarded for Cancer Research in Germany

Researcher Sara Hegy Ahmed was awarded for her study on sex hormone signalling, and how they can influence the regenerative capacity of intenstinal cells.

Cairo Scene

Sara Hegy Ahmed Awarded for Cancer Research in Germany

Egyptian scholar Sara Hegy Ahmed has been awarded the Rictzenhain Doctoral Prize in recognition for her achievements in cancer research in Germany.

The prize is given out every two years to researchers with exceptional dissertations in cancer research at the University of Heidelberg, or at a research institute in the town of Heidelberg. Heidelberg is known as a scientific hub in Germany, and is home to several internationally renowned research facilities.

Motivated by the loss of a young relative to cancer, Ahmed knuckled down to receive her bachelor's degree in pharmacy and biological sciences at the German University in Cairo, before completing her graduate studies in cancer research at the University of Heidelberg.

During her PhD research at the German Cancer Research Center, Ahmed studied the way sex hormones signalling can influence the regenerative capacity of intenstinal cells. According to her research, stem cells of non-sex organs can be affected by sex hormones - drawing a link between high concentrations of sex hormones and the development of tumors in the digestive system.

Ahmed currently works as a Transformational Coach, helping others achieve their own life goals.


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