Tuesday May 7th, 2024
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Unlock Your Inner Goddess With Hathor's All-Natural Remedies

With her beauty company ‘Hathor’, El Ghazaly hopes to bring them about through a homegrown brand that’s all about finding quality by going back to your roots, and - perhaps more importantly - family.

Farida El Shafie

Unlock Your Inner Goddess With Hathor's All-Natural Remedies

Entrepreneur and mum Daly Abu El Ghazaly knows that natural products need that maternal touch, which is often so lacking in the diluted, burnt oils that circulate the market. With her beauty company ‘Hathor’, El Ghazaly hopes to bring them about through a homegrown brand that’s all about finding quality by going back to your roots, and - perhaps more importantly - family. 

“After giving birth to my daughter, my husband and I found out she has sensitive skin and allergies. Due to the pandemic, I couldn’t continue sourcing international products, so I bought a machine and began to press my own oils,” El Ghazaly tells CairoScene. “Lo and behold, my friends and family began trying them and saw incredible results. And in honour of my daughter, I named the brand ‘Hathor’ - the goddess of maternity.” 

With a logo shaped after a lotus flower merged with Hathor’s crown, the brand received widespread attention through its branding. Hathor sources and manufactures everything themselves; El Ghazaly’s husband is the chief designer for Hathor, and the brand has its own labs where everything gets put together. 

Hathor’s products are based on or inspired by Ancient Egyptian techniques and ingredients - they’ve even recently set up a workshop at the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, where they demonstrated the benefits of Ancient Egyptian knowledge, and how modern techniques often stamp them out. One of their stand-out items include their Gardencress oil and frankincense, with clients from all around the world serving up testaments to their anti-ageing properties. You can try it out for yourself by checking them out at hathororganics.com.


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