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'Women of Egypt' is Challenging Stereotypes Around Divorced Women

The campaign titled “New Beginnings and the Challenges of Starting Over” is offering women struggling with divorce an opportunity to listen to other women’s personal experiences with divorce in Egypt.

Cairo Scene

'Women of Egypt' is Challenging Stereotypes Around Divorced Women

Divorce can be a sensitive topic for many women in Egypt, where a stubborn social stigma surrounding divorcees is almost palpable. These experiences can be particularly painful if these women have struggled with domestic abuse, leaving them with a seemingly irreparable trauma. The minds behind Facebook platform ‘Women of Egypt’ are saying enough is enough, and have launched a new campaign to transform the way Egyptian society perceives and treats divorced women.

The new campaign titled “New Beginnings and the Challenges of Starting Over” is offering women struggling with divorce an opportunity to listen to other women’s personal experiences with divorce in Egypt, and learn how to overcome the societal obstacles that often accompany it.

The online campaign gives female divorcees the opportunity to share their stories, with the option of anonymous submissions to help give a voice to women who would have never spoken up otherwise.


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