EXCLUSIVE: Egyptian Rom-Com ‘Wesh F Wesh’ to Return with a Sequel
The sequel is set to feature the same cast, including Amina Khalil, Mohamed Mamdouh, Asmaa Galal and more.

After a massive box office success, the Egyptian rom-com ‘Wesh F Wesh’ (2023) is set to return to the silver screen with a sequel. Featuring the same star-studded cast—Amina Khalil, Mohamed Mamdouh, Asmaa Galal, Anoushka, Ahmed Khaled Saleh, and more—the first film hilariously explored marital conflicts through comedic events.
Set during a night gone wrong, the story revolves around the families and friends of an Egyptian couple who find themselves trapped in an apartment amid their biggest fight yet—only to make matters worse. Directed and written by Waleed El Halfawy, the film gained significant popularity on Netflix, remaining on the streaming platform’s top-streamed list for four consecutive months. The film is produced by Sea Cinema, and details about the shooting and release date have yet to be announced.
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