Friday September 13th, 2024
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Egypt’s Non-Petroleum Exports Reached USD 3.1 Billion in July 2024

The 12% increase marks a growth in Egyptian exports of commodities like fruit, clothing, and foodstuffs.

Cairo Scene

Egypt’s Non-Petroleum Exports Reached USD 3.1 Billion in July 2024

Egypt’s non-petroleum exports have seen a 12% increase of USD 325 million between July 2023 and July 2024, bringing the total to USD 3.1 billion, according to the General Organisation for Export and Import Control (GOEIC).

Merchandise exports surpassed USD 24 billion in the first seven months of 2024, reaching USD 6.5 billion in the month of July alone, reflecting a 4% rise since the previous year.

By contrast, the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) recorded a 10.3% decrease in Egypt’s trade deficit in May 2024, having dropped from USD 3.9 billion to USD 3.5 billion.

Exports during the month of May grew marginally by 0.4%, hitting the USD 3.81 billion mark.

This growth overall has been driven by increased exports of select commodities, like fresh fruit, clothing, pastries and foodstuffs.


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