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Egypt’s Water Resource Management Exceeds Global Average in 2023

Egypt scored 63% in integrated water resource management, surpassing the global average, according to CAPMAS.

Cairo Scene

Egypt’s Water Resource Management Exceeds Global Average in 2023

Egypt’s score for Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) implementation reached 63% in 2023, exceeding the global average of 57%, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilisation and Statistics (CAPMAS). The announcement was made in conjunction with World Water Day, underscoring Egypt’s commitment to sustainable water resource management.

The report detailed the country’s growing reliance on groundwater, with combined deep and surface groundwater resources totalling 9.09 billion cubic metres—up from 8.83 billion cubic metres in 2022. This accounted for 11.1% of Egypt’s total available water resources, compared to 10.9% the previous year.

Efforts to reuse treated wastewater have also advanced, with 91.3 million cubic metres repurposed for irrigating 10,000 acres of land. Sohag Governorate led in this practice, representing 67% of the irrigated area.

In terms of public access, 99% of Egypt’s population had access to basic drinking water services in 2023, reflecting improvements in infrastructure and nationwide coverage.


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