Saturday July 27th, 2024
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Value of Egypt’s E-Payment Services Hits EGP 7.8 Trillion Since 2019

Since its launch in 2019, the e-payment system has facilitated over 500 million transactions.

Cairo Scene

Value of Egypt’s E-Payment Services Hits EGP 7.8 Trillion Since 2019

The Ministry of Finance reported that the value of the electronic payment and collection system across Egypt has reached EGP 7.8 trillion since its launch in 2019. The system has assisted 20 million citizens in over 500 million transactions, generating EGP 1.15 trillion in government revenues in 2023 with an annual 20% growth.

The ministry also highlighted the essential role of state-owned enterprise E-finance in enhancing digital transformation and supporting the integration of the ministry’s systems including the nation’s budget systems.


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