Sunday September 15th, 2024
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Sahel Snacks: The Ultimate Guide to Nostalgic On-the-Road Grazing

We’re bringing back the sweet nostalgia of the snacks of our childhood to the looming unfamiliarity of adult vacationing.

Layla Raik

Sahel Snacks: The Ultimate Guide to Nostalgic On-the-Road Grazing

As the road to Sahel becomes increasingly unfamiliar, with new landmarks seemingly popping out of the ground and even the company we keep changing, we find comfort in bringing familiarity along in-car - snacks that taste of the Golden age and evoke cherished memories. To jog your memory and awaken a well-deserved yearning for the snacks of our youth, we've curated this comprehensive list of faintly nostalgic treats that you absolutely must pack for your North Coast trip this weekend.


Though it may have undergone a facelift, Flaminco is best enjoyed in its classic peanut-y flavour that we've known and loved.


Whether we savour its genuine chocolatey goodness or cherish the message it conveys, Bimbo's gold wrapping remains an artefact of every stage of our lives, from early childhood to now.


Considered one of the best chocolate bars by enlightened food connoisseurs, Katakito's rich chocolate, crumbly wafer, and perfectly balanced composition make it a must-have, especially during PMS episodes.


Whoever came up with the idea to turn a software company's mascot into a snack, we're truly grateful for it.


The OG juice box was never a box but rather Best's juice bags, which carried the best store-bought juice for years and are the perfect thirst-quenchers for your road trip.


Like to-go Swiss rolls, HOHOs nurtured the young food pundit inside us from an early age.


Originally an American snack cake, Twinkies have become a beloved Egyptian snack, accompanying us to classes and comforting us during tough times at work.


A source of controversy since forever, Nawaem remains the side character in every school kid's story, cheering you on at every turn.


Whether as ice cream or melted into juice, Lolita's giant plastic ampules are a cherished part of our childhood.


Once despised when given by our grandmas at family functions, we now appreciate the true value of Samara gum's faint mastic flavour as we've grown older and wiser.

Jelly Cola

The start of our gambling addiction, we spent countless hours buying as many Jelly Cola bags as possible to find lucky ones with a few extra bottles beyond the 10-piece mark, all while enjoying their cinnamon taste.


Despite differing opinions on imported treats, Gersy will forever remain the coconut-encrusted chocolate bar we reach for.


If psychoanalytic theorists are right about our childhood shaping our preferences as adults, Mandolin's caramel goodness might explain why 90% of the current generation's favourite colour is purple.


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