Saturday July 27th, 2024
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New 30-Bed Children’s ICU Has Opened in Northern Egypt

The hospital was constructed as part of an initiative to treat 1,000 Palestinian children.

Cairo Scene

New 30-Bed Children’s ICU Has Opened in Northern Egypt

A new 30-bed paediatric intensive care unit specifically for children has opened in the Qalyubia governorate. This hospital, which is located in the Al-Qanatir Al-Khayriyah Central Hospital, will treat both Egyptian and Palestinian children. The centre is able to treat children from the hospital’s vicinity, but is also expected to receive patients who require advanced care from throughout Egypt.

This unit was established with the assistance of Nestlé and NGO Truss Misr Foundation, who have partnered to create the Our Children are Life initiative, which aims to treat 1,000 children who have been injured in Gaza. More than 440 children have been treated through this program, including 28 infants who are receiving care in Egyptian hospitals after air-evacuation. This initiative is working in conjunction with the Egyptian Ministry of Health to give medical care, therapeutic services, medications, surgical supplies and ambulances to help treat Palestinians.


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