Saturday July 27th, 2024
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New Walkway Will Link Giza Pyramids to Grand Egyptian Museum

The project is part of a larger plan to holistically beautify and develop the touristic capabilities of the Pyramids area.

Cairo Scene

New Walkway Will Link Giza Pyramids to Grand Egyptian Museum

Plans have been put in place for a new tourist walkway which will connect the Giza Pyramids Complex to the Grand Egyptian Museum.

Beginning at the Shooting Club area and ending at the Pyramids and GEM, the walkway will cover around 2km and will be 500m in width.

The project is part of a larger plan to holistically develop the touristic capabilities of the Pyramids area. The developments include beautifying the area's gardens and unifying the stables at Nazlet el Samman. Giza’s King Faisal Street is also being developed to increase its efficiency in allowing access to Giza’s touristic area.

At completion, the Grand Egyptian Museum will house the world’s largest collection of antiquities dedicated to a single civilisation. The museum is projected to attract around 5 million visitors a year.


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