Saturday July 27th, 2024
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Zooba Saudi Releases Date Molten Cake

Made out of both Egyptian and local Saudi dates, this is truly a cross-cultural treat.

Cairo Scene

 Zooba Saudi Releases Date Molten Cake

In the bustling heart of Riyadh in Saudi, Zooba is a portal to the vibrant streets of Egypt, where an authentic street food experience awaits. While the restaurant offers an array of mouthwatering Egyptian food, there’s one dish that’ll be sure to make waves, and it’s nothing short of a sweet adventure: The Date Molten Cake.

Picture this: You’re wandering down the streets of Cairo, surrounded by the intoxicating aromas of street vendors selling koshary, ta’ameya, and hawawshi. Now, transport yourself to Zooba Saudi, where the same authentic street food experience awaits, with a delightful twist that’s as sweet as a Nile sunset. But let’s not dilly-dally.

You’ve gone through the main course, but it’s time to top it all off with dessert. You see the word ‘magma’ and that’s all you need to hear to pick it off the menu. Even then, you weren’t prepared for it - a cake so soft and decadent that it melts in your mouth like cotton candy, infused with the luscious sweetness of dates. Made out of both Egyptian and local Saudi dates, this is truly a cross-cultural treat.

The cake will be served in Zooba Saudi on September 23rd and the 24th in commemoration of the Saudi National Day weekend, so make sure to save the date!


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