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Free Hair Restoration Programme for Burn Victims to Launch Nationwide

The Burns and Complementary Surgery Center in Gharbia launched the ‘Your Hair Matters’ initiative to provide people with free hair restoration treatment.

Cairo Scene

Free Hair Restoration Programme for Burn Victims to Launch Nationwide

The scars left behind by the fire can run deeper than most people would imagine. For burn victims who have lost their hair, regrowth may never happen due to scarred tissue, leaving behind a constant and psychologically traumatic reminder of the event. While hair transplant treatments are available, they are often too expensive for most burn victims in Egypt, most of whom come from a low or no income background.

To help them feel like themselves again, Dr. Bassem Jisraha, Director of the Burns and Complementary Surgery Center in Gharbia, launched the ‘Your Hair Matters’ initiative to provide them with free hair restoration treatment. According to Dr. Jisraha, who dedicated his career to treating low-income burn victims, the purpose behind these treatments is to restore the patients’ dignity, confidence and self-esteem, allowing them to recover mentally as well as physically.

Although the initiative started in Gharbia, it will serve all the governorates of Egypt.


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