Saturday July 27th, 2024
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Alexandria Museums Celebrate Alexandrian Heritage Week

The annual celebration spotlights Alexandria's storied past while promoting its cultural institutions.

Raïs Saleh

Alexandria Museums Celebrate Alexandrian Heritage Week

Several of Alexandria's renowned museums are celebrating the start of this year's Alexandrian Heritage Week. Now in its 13th edition, the annual celebration spotlights Alexandria's storied past while promoting its cultural institutions.

Newly reopened after immense restoration works, the Greco-Roman Museum served as the launchpad for the Week's opening ceremonies. Proceedings included a concert by the Royal Quartet and a theatrical play presented by students from colleges of Saint Mark and Saint Jean.

An exhibition of artifacts depicted in drawings followed. Titled 'Alexandria Ad Aegyptum', the display featured the work of Alexandrian 20th-century artist Mahmoud Said.

Meanwhile, the Alexandria National Museum unveiled 'Basili Palace, 110 Freedom Road', a show which focused on the titular residence through paintings, documents and photographs from its owner Assaad Basili Pasha, a wealthy merchant who built the museum in 1928.


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