Saturday July 27th, 2024
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4,000 Kilometres of Road Prepared For Hajj Pilgrimage in Makkah

These upgrades are meant to ensure a smooth and comfortable journey for all pilgrims as they make their sacred trip.

Scene Now Saudi

4,000 Kilometres of Road Prepared For Hajj Pilgrimage in Makkah

The General Authority for Roads in Saudi Arabia has announced the completion of Makkah roads ahead of the upcoming Hajj season.

The road works involved surveying and upgrading 4,000 kilometres of roadways in order to improve the experience of the pilgrimage for all those participating. These improvements encompass a range of tasks including scraping and resurfacing roads, fixing cracks and potholes, trimming road shoulders, removing sand dunes and cleaning valley streams.

Described by the World Bank as the first in global road network connectivity, Saudi Arabia’s road network plays a key role in connecting the holy sites and facilitating the safe and efficient travel of pilgrims. In order to ensure the readiness of these roads, Bader Al Dalami, acting CEO of the General Authority for Roads, conducted an inspection tour of more than 2,000 km of roads leading to key religious sites.


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