Thursday June 13th, 2024
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Cast & Crew Behind Khali Balak Min Zizi Reunite for New Ramadan Series

They’re getting the gang back together for a new social comedy titled ‘Al Harsha Al Sab’a’.

Cairo Scene

Cast & Crew Behind Khali Balak Min Zizi Reunite for New Ramadan Series

We don’t mean to alarm you dear readers, but Ramadan is less than three months away, and with it, the start of the Ramadan 2023 series marathon. As the season approaches, we’re already being hit with news of much awaited comebacks.

If you were a fan of the social comedy-drama ‘Khali Balak Min Zizi’, in which prolific director Karim El Shennawy and award-winning scriptwriter Mariam Naoum led actors Amina Khalil and Ali Kassem through a tale of love, understanding and the struggles of undiagnosed ADHD, you may be pleased to learn the cast and crew are getting back together! It won’t be another season of ‘Khali Balak Min Zizi’ however but an all-new social comedy titled ‘Al Harsha Al Sab’a’, due to come out during the upcoming Holy Month.

While we know that El Shennawy, Naoum, Khalil and Kassem will be joined by actor Mohamed Shaheen, the rest of the cast and crew has yet to be announced. 


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