Tuesday September 17th, 2024
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Saudi Customs Fees for Exports & Imports to Be Lowered in October

Starting October 6th, Saudi Arabia will implement new customs service fee regulations aimed at easing burdens on businesses.

Scene Now Saudi

Saudi Customs Fees for Exports & Imports to Be Lowered in October

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will implement new customs service fee regulations starting October 6th, 2024, according to the Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (ZATCA). The decision outlines significant changes to the fees for both exports and imports, aimed at easing financial burdens on businesses and improving competitiveness in line with the country's strategic goals.

Under the new regulations, all customs service fees for exports will be waived. This includes fees for customs declaration processing, lead seal services, land port loading, x-ray inspections, customs data exchange and sample analysis in labs.

For imports, customs service fees will be reduced and calculated as 0.15% of the value of the goods. The fees will be capped at a maximum of SAR 500, with a minimum fee of SAR 15. For shipments that are exempt from duties and taxes, a separate cap of SAR 130 will be applied. In addition, a SAR 15 fee will be charged for customs declarations on individual online store shipments, provided the value does not exceed SAR 1,000.

The previous fee structure for imports included a SAR 100 charge per container for x-ray inspections, SAR 100 for information exchange and SAR 20 for customs declaration processing.

The updated fee structure will be uniformly applied across all land, sea and air ports in Saudi Arabia.


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