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Egypt Sponsors Students' Graduation Project For an Undersea Robot to Explore Alex's Sunken Treasures

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technology is sponsoring a graduation project at the Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport to help them build their very own ROV.

CairoScene Team

Egypt Sponsors Students' Graduation Project For an Undersea Robot to Explore Alex's Sunken Treasures

It's not every day that the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology sponsors a graduation project. In fact, it's never happened before. Which begs the question, just what are the students at the Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT) doing that's cool enough to get them to start? How does an underwater robot to delve into Alexandria's ancient sunken treasures sound to you?

With the support of the Minister of Communications, these students will receive a sponsorship from Telecom Egypt to build their very own ROV (remotely operated vehicle).

The project will implement a design that was created at the Research Center for Marine Robotics and Technologies at AASTMT's Alexandria campus. The ROV will be able to explore oil and sunken monuments at the nearby Mediterranean waters and examine the bottom of ships at ports, and can also be used to repair and maintain underwater internet cables.


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