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People with Special Needs to Have Free Use of Accessibility Apps

The National Telecom Regulatory Authority is directing telecom companies to make accessibility apps free to use for people with special needs.

Cairo Scene

People with Special Needs to Have Free Use of Accessibility Apps

The National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) is directing mobile companies to allow users with special needs to utilize a number of mobile apps for free. In particular, people with special needs can continuously use these apps without any deductions from their internet packages.

The apps offer a wide range of diverse features that can assist people with hearing and seeing impairments, such as Be My Eyes (which allows sighted volunteers to be contacted by the user and serve as a guide through certain tasks), TapTapSee (which uses the phone’s camera to identify objects), and CASH READER (a currency recognition app).

For the hearing-impaired users, the premium Wasel app has also been made available free of charge, allowing users to inquire about government facilities and emergency services through sign language video technology.


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